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If you spend five minutes scrolling through your Facebook feed, you are bound to come across at least one post that promises to help you determine whether you are right- or left-brain dominant. The lateralization theory explains your thinking and behavior based on which hemisphere calls the shots: the left (making individuals more rational, logical, precise, and having a strong preference for dogs) or the right (edging others toward being intuitive, subjective, and creative, which apparently translates to a general avoidance of printed directions and a predilection for cats).

However, according to Stephen Kosslyn and G. Wayne Miller, authors of Top Brain, Bottom Brain, this idea is little more than “a dominant pop-culture story” which has never “stood up to careful scientific scrutiny.” Recent work done by neuroscientists seems to indicate that both hemispheres of the brain work together in complicated processing tasks.

To read the remainder, please click this Gifted for Leadership link.

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