Are midlife marriages destined to descend into endless crises, distance, and unhappiness? Contrary to the current cultural narrative, no! Marriage in the Middle normalizes the challenges and surprises of this time frame and then comes alongside couples to help them thrive. Through story, Scripture, and hard-won wisdom, Dorothy Greco offers readers and listeners hope that midlife can be a season of recalibrating, shoring up vulnerabilities, and imagining new ways to create a mutually fulfilling marriage.

Dorothy joins our host, Christopher J. Harris, for an incredibly warm and insightful discussion on marriage in general and then more specifically, marriages that are seasoned. This conversation will leave you with that sense that you just saw down with your best friend, a counselor/therapists, and a pastor all at the same time…because you did. You’ll smile, you’ll laugh, you may get a little misty-eyed, and you’ll want to take notes as well.

Click this link to listen.

You can find more information on my book here.

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